To all Members
- New information of COVID-19
- Guide to the government subsidy for Preventing the spread of infection
- Notice of coorporation to “TOKYO wakusyon app campaign”
- Guide to “Katsushika-Keieizyuku”
- The request of cooperation to turn out exterior illuminations at night in shopping districts ends at October 24th
- Notice of an amendment to a minimum wage of Tokyo prefecture
- Please cooperate to turn out exterior illuminations at night in shopping districts
- The recruitment of the administration companies of the cafe in the Shinkoiwa, Katsushika-ku local action center
- 営業時間短縮要請等を行う大規模施設に対する協力金(7/12~8/22実施分)について
- 大東京商店街まつり|参加商店街の募集について
- 大東京商店街まつり|説明資料
- 大東京商店街まつり|参加申込書
- 大東京商店街まつり|参加商店街募集に関するQ&A
- 飲食店等対象の営業時間等短縮等協力金について
- 1,000平米超の大規模施設を対象の営業時間等短縮等協力金について