Delicious shopping
Lawson store100 Katsushika Horikiri 2chometen
Provides peace of mind at a single price
Single price" is one of the concepts of LAWSON STORE100. We believe it is important to offer a single price that is easy to understand in order for customers to shop with peace of mind. Some products are excluded.
- Genre
- Delicious shopping
- Store
- Lawson store100 Katsushika Horikiri 2chometen
- 03-3693-8588
- Address
- 〒124-0006 2-36-6, Horikiri, Katsushika-ku
- Access
- Horikiri-Shobuen Station
- Opening time
- 24 hours
- Day off
- None
- Home Page
- https://store100.lawson.co.jp