Beauty Salon
Hea-saron Ishii
We are a barbershop in town. We are here to make our customers feel at ease.
I am taking over my father's business. Our menu includes general hairdressing, cold perms, iron perms, hair dyeing, and face shaving for women. We also accept reservations. Our phone number is 080-5056-4498.
- Genre
- Beauty Salon
- Store
- Hea-saron Ishii
- 080-5056-4498
- Address
- 〒124-0006 2-34-5, Horikiri, Katsushika-ku
- Access
- Horikiri-Shobuen Station
- Opening time
- 9:00~18:00
- Day off
- Mon.2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month(Consecutive holidays)