Inagakiya Sogiten, Teia
Now is the time to think about the importance of the spiritual world of funerals.
Inagakiya Funeral Home has been in business since 1878. Inagakiya Funeral Service has many certifications such as Funeral Consultant and Funeral Director Level 1. Inagaki-ya Funeral Parlor was established in 1878. He is the Iemoto of the Koryu school of flower arrangement. He has been featured in various media. Has conducted many funerals for famous people.
- Genre
- Ceremony
- Store
- Inagakiya Sogiten, Teia
- 03-3690-0870
- Address
- 〒124-0006 6-34-1 Horikiri, Katsushika-ku
- Access
- Horikiri-Shobuen Station
- Opening time
- 24 hours reception
- Day off
- Open all year round
- Home Page
- https://www.tear-inagakiya.jp/