Ogasawarasoryokeryusaho,matcha,sencha Zennihonshogeibunkain Shodo Kyojo
Why not rediscover the fun of Japanese culture in your hometown?
Inheriting the teachings of the 32nd Chutoku Soke of the Ogasawara Soryoke family, a book that is applicable to modern society called "Japanese Etiquette for Conveying Kindness" has been introduced to libraries in the ward. Together with matcha and sencha teas and calligraphy, you can easily learn about Japanese culture in your hometown.
- Genre
- School
- Store
- Ogasawarasoryokeryusaho,matcha,sencha Zennihonshogeibunkain Shodo Kyojo
- 03-3690-8117
- Address
- 〒124-0001 2-30-9 Kosuge, Katsushika-ku
- Access
- Horikiri-Shobuen Station
- Opening time
- 14:00~17:00 18:00~20:00